Take the Leap of Faith!
I Did!
43 meters, Baby.
(that's 141 feet to the metrically impaired)
Yes, it was scary! Yes, it was rewarding! Yes, I'd do it again in a Kiwi minute!
Kiwi minutes are actually shorter than the more familiar Northern Hemisphere Minutes. I believe it has something to do with the Coriolis Effect impeding the clock-wise / anti-clock-wise motion of time in the Space Continuum. Kinda like flushing your toilet while crossing the equator.
If I can jump off a bridge for you, will you sign up for my mailing list and help spread the word of my books, please? I've got a lot more stories and books in me and they are SCREAMING to get out. It won't matter how much great reading material I can produce if there aren't enough readers out there to support the dream. Come join the tribe. I promise I won't push you off any precipices - unless you want me too. I know some of us do need that little nudge now and again. You're not buying anything here and now. I'm only asking you to join the mailing list so I can send you notices about the book launches and this publishing venture. Are you ready? Take a deep breath.
But Wait...
There's More!
Refreshing and oh so cool!
You can also join my street team of 'Beta Readers' and 'Advanced Review Copy' (ARCs)
Beta Readers – have the opportunity to help me out early in the revision phase of writing a new novel. I will send you blocks of chapters after I've edited them so they are no longer 'first draft' material. There will no doubt still be spelling, style and grammar errors. Any help there is appreciated. What I'm really looking for is feedback on the elements and the flow of the story. Is it exciting, does it keep you interested, or does it suck? How are my characters and the setting. Are there any gaping holes in the plot?
ARC's – I will send you a free pre-publication copy for review. They will be electronic versions (Kindle, iBook, Nook and Kobo) to begin with. I ask that you read it and write an HONEST review that will be ready to post to the public when the book is officially launched. Authors need reviews! The only way Amazon (who rules the world) will put my book in front of people (customers looking to buy the style of book I'm writing) is to have enough reviews. You can wax on profound if you desire or simply scribe 20 words to express your feeling about my story and the writing.
Thank You in Advance
I Promise
To treat you the same as I wist to be treated
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Not to flood your inbox with drivel.
Not to beg for sales.
I Will
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Send you occasional updates on Life Happenings / Cool Stuff / my Writing / Publishing Milestones.
Send you notices of occasional Freebie stuff like short stories and Audio treats.
I know some people don't like to include information about themselves. That's okay. All I really need is your name and email so I can inform you of of the status my books, price changes (sales!) and freebies.
You don’t have to fill out the info about your Gender, age, etc., but it does help me understand (you) my audience.
Additionally it helps me if I know who my readers are so I can reach out to those I may be missing and at the same time not waste anyone's time trying to reach those who really aren't interested.
When you submit your address, you'll get a confirmation email making sure you really do want to sign up, then you'll receive a series of emails filling you in a little more about me and the process of writing, publishing and running this as a business. Yes, you can Un-subcribe at any time – no hard feelings. In fact I encourage you to drop out if you find that this isn't of interest to you.
I will set up a separate list for those who want to be Beta Readers or receive the Advanced Review Copies.
As Always – Stay Tuned!
That which brings you closer to death, makes you feel more alive!
Contact me by email any time to ask questions or send opinions. The icons at the bottom of each page will get you to my email and Facebook.